Case Study: Melbourne’s Retail Giant, UrbanAura, and Their AI Transformation

Clients Name:

Leveraging AI as a Service to Revolutionize Customer Experiences


In the bustling retail scene of Melbourne, UrbanAura had always been a dominant name. However, with digital transformation reshaping the industry, they sought to elevate their customer experience and operational efficiency further.

The Challenge:

UrbanAura grappled with two core challenges: comprehending and predicting rapidly shifting consumer preferences and optimizing their vast supply chain in real time.

Novada Tech’s Strategy:

Recognizing the scale and intricacies of UrbanAura's operations, Novada Tech recommended an 'AI as a Service' model. This approach promised agility, scalability, and real-time analytics without the challenges of establishing an in-house AI team.

Execution & Outcomes:

We introduced chatbots for instant customer queries, ensuring no customer had to wait. AI-driven sales analytics tools were set in place, offering predictive insights on upcoming trends, allowing UrbanAura to stay one step ahead. The supply chain was next, with AI monitoring inventory, sales, and forecasts, ensuring optimal stock levels and swift deliveries.

The transformation was palpable. UrbanAura witnessed a 35% increase in online sales, a 50% reduction in inventory overheads, and a record-high customer satisfaction level.


UrbanAura's journey with Novada Tech underscores the power and flexibility of AI as a Service. Without delving into the technical depths of AI, they harnessed its prowess, setting a benchmark for retailers across Melbourne and beyond.

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